Instructions for Oral and Interactive Sessions

Oral Sessions

  • All oral sessions will take place in International Conference Halls I & II.
  • Presenters can use their computers, but the conference room has a laptop.
    • Please ensure your computer has an HDMI interface if you plan to use it.
  • The laptop we provide in the conference room has Microsoft PowerPoint and Adobe Acrobat Reader. The aspect ratio of the screen in the room is 16:9.
  • Each presentation is allotted 20 minutes, including the presentation and Q&A.
  • The presenter should inform the session chair that they are present at the session venue during the break just before their session.

Interactive Sessions

  • All poster sessions will take place in International Conference Hall III.
  • Please prepare your poster with the maximum size of A0 size (841 x 1189 mm) and portrait orientation, print it yourself, and bring it to the conference site.
  • Posters should be put up before the allocated poster session starts and removed after the session ends.
  • At least one author of the poster should attend the session.

Video Recording Instructions

IFAC strongly recommends that all major IFAC conferences provide some means of online participation. Allowing online participation strengthens the outreach of IFAC conferences, attracting a broader audience, including younger generations. It also enhances industrial participation in IFAC and adheres to the goals of a sustainable operation while safeguarding the viability of IFAC conferences. Therefore, we kindly ask the presenters of all contributed papers to submit presentation videos, following the instructions below.

Release Form

A release form granting permission to host the presentation video online (to be accessed by the virtual conference attendees) must be uploaded from the PaperCept workspace on or before July 31, alongside the presentation video. The form to be filled in can be downloaded from the following link: Link to Word file

Video File Requirements (for All Presenters in Oral and Interactive Sessions except for Invited Speakers)

Please prepare your prerecorded presentation video(s) according to the following guidelines:

  • Video length: less than 15 minutes
  • File format: mp4
  • File size limit: 100MB
  • Minimum height: 480 pixels
  • Video aspect ratio: 16:9

Note1: Speakers may choose to prepare a rather brief presentation that can serve as an engaging introduction to your work. This approach may allow your presentation to effectively and efficiently capture the viewers' interest and encourage them to promptly read your paper. We of course welcome "traditional" style presentations with longer durations.

Note2: The above specifications will be checked at the time of submission, and files not meeting the requirements will be prevented from being uploaded. Except for the above duration and format constraints, the form of the presentation is left free (please however make sure that the video includes the title of the paper, the authors, and a reference to the NMPC 2024).

Main Recording Instructions

While there are many different options for recording your videos, an effective recording tool is embedded in the Zoom platform. It suffices to create a meeting where the speaker is the only participant, share the screen (the slides) and activate the camera of your laptop so that the speaker's face is visible. Then, using the "Record" button you can easily generate your video. Please refer to the following link for further indications: Link to Zoom

Further Suggestions

When recording your video, please pay attention to the following aspects:

  • Select an appropriate microphone and room/office for optimizing your recording audio quality (you may search for "best way to record a video lecture" for suggestions to minimize reverb and echo). If useful, perform a few tests before choosing which microphone to use. Check the level of your audio volume (not too high, not too low).
  • Make sure that you record the whole screen to avoid having trouble with the aspect ratio of your recording.
  • Make sure that the movement of your laser pointer (that is, the movement of your mouse cursor) is recorded. Sometimes, even if you move your mouse, it is not recorded.
  • It is highly recommended that the presenter's face is also recorded in the video. However, by doing so, make sure that the video inset is not hiding important parts of your slides.
  • Open a timer on your second screen or on your smartphone to keep track of the elapsed time.
  • Use suitable software to ensure that the video size is below 100MB and is in the correct format (MP4). For example, "Handbrake" is an open-source video transcoder for converting video to MP4 and for file compression. The default settings typically reduce the size of Zoom-generated videos by a factor of three.